What Are the Most Common Types of Dental Emergencies?

General & Cosmetic Dentists Serving Omaha, Bellevue, Lincoln and Nearby Nebraska

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Posted: July 15, 2024
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Dental emergencies are unexpected and alarming, but quickly recognizing them is key to protecting your dental health. Immediate response and treatment can prevent complications and preserve your smile, emphasizing the importance of knowing how to handle these urgent situations.


A toothache that demands immediate attention often shows itself through severe pain, sensitivity, or swelling. These symptoms might signal an infection or other serious issues needing urgent care. 

Before seeing your dentist, cleanse your mouth with warm water and lightly floss to eliminate food stuck between your teeth. Avoid putting aspirin directly into your gums, as this might damage the tissue. 

Contact your dentist immediately to avoid any future difficulties.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

If you have broken or chipped your tooth, it's important to seek dental care immediately to avoid further damage or infection. Collect any pieces of the tooth you can find and rinse them with water. 

If possible, return the fragments to your mouth, placing them back into the gum where they were dislodged. You can also keep them moist by putting them in milk or your saliva. Minimize eating and drinking and avoid biting down on the damaged tooth. 

These steps help preserve the tooth structure until professional care is available.

Knocked-Out Teeth

The first few minutes after a tooth is knocked out are critical. To avoid damage, pick up the tooth by the crown, not the root. Rinse it gently under water to clean it, but do not scrub. 

Try to reinsert it in the socket. If that's not possible, keep the tooth moist by placing it in a glass of milk or holding it in your mouth next to your cheek. Immediately seek dental assistance. The faster you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth.

Schedule Your Dental Emergency Consultation in Omaha, NE

If you're facing a dental emergency in Omaha, don't hesitate to contact the Dentists of Omaha. Whether you need immediate pain relief or urgent care to save a tooth, our team at Hillsborough Family Dentistry is ready to help.

Schedule a consultation today to ensure your dental health is in the best hands. Call us at one of our convenient locations: Hillsborough at 402-445-4647, Village Pointe at 402-505-7474, Ralston Square at 402-733-4441, or Dundee at 402-502-5593. Let us help you restore your smile and find relief from dental discomfort.

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