Common Root Canal Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

General & Cosmetic Dentists Serving Omaha, Bellevue, Lincoln and Nearby Nebraska

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Posted: August 15, 2024
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Woman wincing and holding the side of her face due to tooth pain caused by decay, needing root canal treatmentWhen people hear "root canal," they typically recoil in fear. Root canal treatment has gotten a bad reputation over the years and is one of the most misunderstood dental procedures, often clouded by myths and misconceptions. These false beliefs can lead to unnecessary anxiety, causing people to avoid the treatment and risk their oral health. Here are some of the most common myths about root canals and accurate information so you feel confident in your treatment. 

The Dentists of Omaha have been proudly serving the community as Omaha Magazine's "Best Family Dentist" for 15 years. Our dedicated team of dentists provides exceptional care, ensuring you receive the attention you need, often on the same day you call for dental emergencies

Myth 1: Root Canals Are Painful

Fact: A root canal is a painless procedure due to modern technology and anesthesia. In fact, the pain most people associate with root canals is usually the result of the infected tooth before the treatment, not the procedure itself. Root canal therapy alleviates this pain by removing the infected tissue.

Myth 2: It's Better to Pull the Tooth Than Have a Root Canal

Fact: Preserving your natural tooth is always the best option, as it maintains your jawbone's integrity and overall oral health. A root canal allows you to keep your natural tooth, whereas extraction leads to gaps that can cause misalignment and other dental issues. While dental implants and bridges are options, they can never fully replicate the function and feel of a natural tooth.

Myth 3: Root Canals Cause Illness

Fact: Modern root canal procedures are safe and have no connection to other health issues. Root canals eliminate the source of infection in your tooth, preventing bacteria from spreading to different parts of your body.

Myth 4: Root Canals Are Only Needed If You Have Severe Tooth Pain

Fact: While severe tooth pain is a common symptom that you might need a root canal, it's not the only sign. Sometimes, teeth requiring root canal treatment don't cause any pain. Your dentist may discover a problem during a routine exam or through X-rays, so regular dental visits are crucial. Addressing the issue early can prevent pain and further complications.

Myth 5: After a Root Canal, the Tooth is "Dead"

Fact: Your tooth is not dead after a root canal. Although the nerve tissue inside the tooth is cleared out, the tooth remains functional. With a crown or filling, your treated tooth can continue to serve you just like your other teeth, without the risk of further infection or decay in that area.

Don't Delay Root Canal Treatment in Omaha, NB

Root canals are safe and effective for treating infected teeth and preserving your natural smile. Don't let myths and misconceptions keep you from seeking the necessary care. If you're experiencing symptoms or have questions about your dental health, consult one of our skilled dentists to discuss the best treatment options. 

Contact us at one of our four convenient locations: Hillsborough at 402-802-9956, Village Pointe at 402-505-7474, Ralston Square at 402-307-6141, or Dundee at 402-307-6244. Remember, the more informed you are, the better choices you can make for your oral health.

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